Wednesday, December 31, 2008

++ Almost F O R G O T

One quick entry.

I forgot to mention something.

And might aswell make a new post for it =DD


So that friend I was shopping a birthday present for on Tuesday gave me a little present for a reason that I have no idea of. She told me about it the other day, but she was finally able to hand it to me yesterday.

She got me the Hugo Boss Pure fragrance that came out in April this year.


Which pretty much makes me want to buy her a present THAT MUCH MOREE.

Also, today marks the final day of 2008. A lot has happened this year and I've seen a lot of growth in myself this year. I'll definitely never forget this year. So many memories made.

I hope 2009 brings just as much too.

See you all next year~


And just because I won't be seeing everyone at midnight tonight...


Hope everyone has a good one x]

- OverDose

++ Never Can Say G O O D B Y E

Okay so, I've been on hiatus?

Too lazy, too busy?

Hahaha I think I've just been a fatass these past few weeks, BAHAHAH.


Back to blogging. A lots happened since my last post. Letsee, my bros gone back t
o Japan, bought some new PS3 games that me and my bro surprisingly got addicted to, been going out a bit here and there, attended a billion weddings, works out for the season and shop SHOP SHOPPPING, hahaha I don't know where to start?

Well I've been neglecting my blog, not because I have nothing to say, but more like the exact opposite where I have WAY too much I want to say. I sometimes have too much to say that I feel less motivated to start writing an entry 'cos it'll just take up WAYY too much of my time. So I guess I gotta learn to start making shorte
r blog entries.

Anywayz, moving on. I've pretty much summarised my days since my last post up there ^^^^^ so yeah, lets just move onto 2 days ago and yesterday. 2 DAYS OF SHOPPING =DD


So Monday shopping was.. well, pictures speak loud
er than words, so heres what I bought! =DDD
First up is the shirt and sunnies I bought. Also a jumper in there cos I needed a new one anyway. I find that buying jumpers in summer is cheaper than buying them in winter. More people want jumpers in winter, so shops hike up the prices to get more money out of people. PFFT AND YOU CALLING ME DUMB FOR BUYING A JUMPER IN SUMMERR! DDD< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">A nice pair of aviator-esque looking glasses. Needed a new pair since my old ones almost busted.



A pair of white leather Converse shoes.
OH I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A PAIR, and i gotta love post-christmas salesss. Hahaha, today was a real bargain, though I won't get into specifics in prices. BUT OMGSH, SOOOOOO HAPPY WITH MY SHOES.

I wore them the next day when I went shopping againn.

Tuesday I wasn't really expecting on doing anything, but I ended up going shopping again...
since I'd already spent most of the money in my wallet the day before, I didn't really buy much. I actually intended on buying a few birthday presents for a couple of my friends since I had enough money anyway.

So first thing I ended up buying was two nice pairs of khaki pants. I already own one pair, but needed to get me some more hahahah. Next up was shopping with my other friend for her birthday present. My cousin came along aswell, so the 4 of us walked around a bit looking for something to buy her. In the end, we decided that we should head out to the city if we wanted to look for a birthday present for her. Maybe some other day then? =/

After that, me and my friend split with the two girls and
headed back to my place to play some games. He stayed at my house from 2:30 until 10:30. We ended up playing Fallout for the PS3 for 7 hours, hahahaha. Had the biggest headache after that...

Anywayz, I think I'll end it there..


Today's the 31st of December.

End of an eventful year.

2008, I'll never forget you~! ADIEU~

- OverDose

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

++ Better Late Than N e v e r

Gosh, I've been soo busy these past few days

Finally can take a breather

Let's see if I can summarise it all in this one post


Ok, so I've been reallyyy busy lately. That's why I haven't blogged about myself recently. Gotta catch up, so less talking and more doing!

Well, three days ago, that was my last post. Since I've talked about most of that day, let's talk about something I didn't mention. THE SHOPPING! =DD

Haha, well, I only bought two music albums, but it was still funn. I bought Kanye's "808s & Heartbreaks" and T-Pain's "Thr33 Rings".

I never thought I'd buy Kanye's album, but I thought it'd be good. Some of the songs on that album ARE addictive and DO get stuck in your head in a good way, but I hope that it's nothing more than just a 'concept album'. Having just ONE album like this is fine to me, but anymore than that and Kanye's off my list of favourite artists, period.

T-Pain's album is quite good actually. I've wanted to buy that album for a while now, and since I had the chance I thought I'd grab it. I absolutley love his "Chopped N Skrewed" song, one of my favourite songs and really does show T-Pains producing talent. He's gotten a lot of crap for using the Auto-tune, people keep on questioning his credibility because of it. But this song really does show what he can do and no one else can't at the moment. Other songs of note are his other two singles, "Can't Believe It" and "Freeze". Also, "Therapy" with Kanye is kinda hynoptic to me, it gets stuck in my head. Another really really good song is "Change", one of my favourites actually, next to "Chopped N Skrewed", it also show T-Pains talent to make songs. It's different to his other songs as it's more of a ballad and meaningful one. I'll keep it short and say that the rest of the tracks are okay so far, might have to have another couple listen throughs to get more thoughts on the other songs.

Anyway, so the next day, it was my brothers second last day at our home before he flew off. The day was busy because we organized a BBQ for him. So a lot had to be done. Apart from that, nothing much else happened. That pretty much took up my whole day.

Yesterday was an eventful day. First, I had work to go to. Woke up at 7 in the morn to get ready. Work was the same stuff. But we had to leave early that day and pick up Y-niisan from home to send him to the airport. Before that, our boss (as in the boss for us 3 brothers, hahaha) organized a nice lunch for Y-niisan. It was the first time they had the chance to catch up. My boss really is a good man, he's helped out family out so much, especially us 3 brothers. He's given us good jobs and never doubted us.

After the lunch, we sent Y-niisan tot he airport. Him and his wife are heading back off to Japan for another year or more. I already miss him, but that day was a little more tolerable than when he first left to go to Japan last year. He should have arrived back in Japan by now.

So, from there, made a pit-stop back at work before my bro dropped me straight off at the shopping centre to watch a movie with my cousin and her friends. Embarrassing to say, but we watched Twilight. Blame it on her, hahaha. Sorry girls, it's not really my 'type' of movie. We ate out a little after that too. It was pretty much 2 guys and 5 girls, a little awkward since I was introduced to two of the girls just that afternoon. Haha, but they're all cool.

Got home and I was soo damn tired. Didn't do much else before changing and heading off to sleep.

Anywaiz, that brings us to today. I've got shopping plans with a friend of mine. So I guess I might blog about that later tonight or tomorrow.

Until then.. I'm off to get ready, he should be here soon.


Good to finally get those days off my back, haha

Only recent update now is...

I need to find the other sock... where'd it go >____>

- OverDose

Monday, December 15, 2008

++ Always Remember T h e m

Today was another tiring day

I can't believe how long it's been

I can't believe how quickly it has gone


It was a slow day today.

I had to think about a lot.

Maybe that was why it felt so slow.

Our family went to visit my late grandfathers grave today. He passed away last year in April, about two weeks after my brother Y-niisan left to stay in Japan. So we went together as a family for him to finally be able to pay his respects. It must have been hard for my brother back at the time of my grandfathers passing, since he had only just begun adjusting to his lifestyle in Japan and really couldn't do anything but pray for our grandfather and the family from there.

It would have hurt for him.

Because it sure did for me.

I can remember those first seven days so vividly. I can remember how my aunty's house was filled with friends and family, paying their respects. I can remember the day we had to bury him. I can remember, in the early morning, receiving the phone call from my aunty of the news from the hospital. I remember the days before he passed away, the day he laid in his own bed, trying very hard to remember me and my brothers names. How he tried to hold my hand as I asked for his forgiveness for all my previous sins. How all he could do was nod as we gathered around him, our eyes filled with tears knowing that it wasn't long now.

I still remember his face so well.

He was my grandfather.

Our grandfather.

Today, it was my brothers turn to ask for his forgiveness. It took him more than a year and a half, but he was now finally able to do it.

We spent about half-an-hour to an hour there. Then, after paying our respects to other passed close family-friends, we decided to head off.

Before, my cousin and his wife invited us to eat at their house for lunch at 2pm. It was a little too early, so we decided to do a little shopping to kill some time. I'll talk a bit about that stuff in another entry..

So arriving at our cousins house, the first thing i noticed was all the new furniture. It was a new house, so they only recently furnished it all. It's a really nice house. So we all sat down on the new couches and my cousin took out the Wii and Rockband. It was so much fun.

Afterwards, my brother was talking to my cousin.

It was about his wifes mis-carriage.

She was a bit over 5 months when there were some complications. They showed us pictures of the child. They showed us his little footprints and hand-prints. They were so small. I could see that my cousin was finding it hard to keep from crying when my brother was going through the pictures. It was tough for their family.

Unbelievably tough.

This brought me not too far back to the day I had to watch him having to bury his own son.

It was hard to watch.

It was most definitely harder for them.

That family has seen far too many deaths to people so close to them over the years. Not saying it doesn't affect me, but it effects their family so much, much more.

In my cousins life-time, he has had to bury his Grandfather, his Father and even his Son. He's only in his late 20s.

He's way too young to experience these things.

But this just means we have to appreciate our families that much more.

Always treasure your family.

and Always remember those who have passed.

I love my family.


I'll leave it at that for today

I'll blog about what I bought tomorrow

I need some sleep now

- OverDose

Saturday, December 13, 2008

++ Legs Aren't Meant To Be Used For W a l k i n g

Today was nicee =DD

In a way, it was fun to do something together as a whole family.

Shame that it involved a lot of walking...


Today, I woke up to all this commotion in the house. It was 10:30am.. 10:30AM!!! So early =___x


Nahh, I thought I'd have a little sleep in, but I wanted to know what was going on. I got up and went to ask my mum what they were in a rush for. Apparently they all wanted to go shopping together. They didn't even bother telling me about it! D=

Bah, in the end, I told them I wanted to come along. So I had to quickly get ready and then we were off. It was a nice day out with my two brothers, my mum, my sis-in-law (heh) and my other bros girlfriend. We pretty much did some random shopping around some different places. Apperently my family absolutely enjoys discount stores. Hey, not like it's a bad thing, it's just that the ones they go to are like big-ass warehouses that you need something like a golf-cart to navigate properly.

It was kinda fun though, cos it seems my sis-in-law (heh) also seems to enjoy discount stores. Haha, my brother told us that one time, when they were shopping at one in Japan, he decided to go home early but she wanted to continue shopping so he went home first. She ended up coming back about an hour later..

I guess she'll fit in just fine with us cheap-asses ;D

Anywaiz, after that, we went home to relax a bit before my bro, Y-niisan, wanted to head off to play soccer with a couple of his old buddies and catch up with them. So I had to keep his wife company and go walk around Fremantle with her for a bit. It was nice, cos I never really got to talk to her much and get to know about her better. She's really nice, I like her =]

I'm glad my bro married her.

So yeah, I was pretty much dead tired at the end. Leg's felt like they got run-over by a steam-roller multiple times. I needed to sit down.

And that brings me here.


I log onto msn, and what do I see?

A couple loser friends!

Heheh, nawww, I love ya's! ;D

- OverDose

++ Just Keep F i g h t i n g

Bah, another late night tonight..

I think it's become a habit for me to sleep so late at night.

Or maybe it's 'cos I'm blogging too much? Bahahah


I was told yesterday that I had to work today by my brother, so I wasn't expecting to see the time was 10am when I woke up. Yesss! A day off work!! Things were looking good for me from the beginning. I didn't feel like waking up at 7am to get ready for work today, because I was pretty much dead throughout the day when I did that yesterday.

So anyway, I was enjoying my eventless day at home, relaxing about doing absolutely nothing worth noting. Hopped on the computer to flick around on the internet. By about 11:30, my mum called my mobile to make sure that I was awake and not still in bed, asleep. Then, right after I hung up, the home phone was ringing. It was my brother, he told me he forgot his briefcase at home and that he was coming back to pick it up so I could come with him to work at the office today.

NOOOooo!! T___T

And I was starting to enjoy my lifeless day too!.. D=

Bah, so I ended up having to go to work today. Same story as last time, cept I was less tired because of the couple extra hours of sleep.

Finally, when I got home, Y-niisan (eldest brother) was finally home from his 3-day mini-vacation. I was pretty tired, so I just decided flopped myself onto the couch and took a little nap. Afterwards, I went onto my computer again and signed onto msn.

Strange, but lately a lot of my friends have quite a few problems that they've had to deal with recently. It's becoming a trend or something.. but it's a bit upsetting to see people you care about having to go through things like this, so as a friend I always try my best to help them out a bit. I try my best to give them my support, and try to give them some appropriate and helpful advice. It's a bit mixed when I say this, but I enjoy helping people out when they need the help. I say its mixed because I don't like seeing my friends in a situation where they need to 'ask' for help in the first place. Also I say that because sometimes the problems they have affect me way too much. I try to get myself so involved to help them from their problem that it starts to feel like I have the problem, and then it becomes more about 'me' than about them.

Nonetheless, I always try my best to cheer up my friends.

I've heard from my cousin and a couple of my own friends that I'm a good person to have a 'talk' to. Apparently I give good advice..
Haha, I don't know, I just say whats on my mind most of the time.

Bah, anyway, after a few talks with a couple friends of mine, I decided to head back to my Nocchi drawing and touch it up a bit. Spent about 30 mins to an hour on it. Just fixing up bits and pieces. Like I said before, it's slowly getting there.

I guess that's pretty much all I have to say today. It's 2am now, my usual 'sleep' time lately. Bahaha, it's definitely becoming a habit...


Sleep, sleep, I'm so sleepy =___=

Why did I decide to blog so late at night?

Gah, I'm getting too addicted to it I think x___x

- OverDose

Thursday, December 11, 2008

++ Slowly But S t e a d i l y

Ok, well it's nice to have a nice relaxing evening after a hard days work.

Spending my time infront of my photoshop and drawing away.

It feels good to finally be be able to draw freely~


So, I decided to spend a little time on some drawing today, just to relax a bit. I always enjoy drawing. Simply love it. It always gets me in a good mood, watching myself construct something from paper and make it into my 'own' thing. It's a nice feeling =D

Anywaiz, onto the picture~!

I've had this pic sketched up on paper for about 2 - 3 weeks now. I've just never decided what I wanted to do with it, so I just ended up scanning it up and doing a bit of work on it in photoshop. Eventually, I started colouring the pic in.. and now I can't stop. I want to get this thing done! Not in a bad way, but what I mean is that I think it's gonna look great when it's finished =DD

So yeah, here's the sketch I scanned up about a week or so ago:

And this it wat it ended up looking like after I decided I wanted to 'spalsh' on some colours to it:

Looks pretty horendous right? D=

Yeah, I think so to, hahahha.

Keep in mind that the next few pics is spread over a time-frame of a bit more than a week. I'd just randomly jump on my computer, open up the file and do a bit of work on it, save a .jpeg version of the pic before closing it. So anyway, from here I knew I had a hellova lot of work left for me to do. First I had to fix the bridge of the nose and the bit around the eyes, I had to make it narrower and more defined. Next was the lips and the cheeks. Now that was really hard. I'm not really good at colouring in lips, so I spent ALOT of time on that part of the colouring. It was HARD, like REALLY HARD T___T.

But in the end, I kinda fluked it, as I will show you:

So now it's starting to look a little better. But I'm nowhere near the finish line yet, not even half way there. From here, I noticed something a little off about the picture. It took me a while, but I eventually realised the nose was a tad bit too long, and the eyes were a tad bit too big. After adjusting that, and slightly reshaping the lips, things started looking a little better. Now I had to start fixing the shading and highlights. Smooth it out at places, increasing the shading, increase the highlights, etc. etc.. basically making it look a little better on the eyes. I ended up having to recolour the lips, I thought it was a little too reddish for my liking. I wanted it to have a more natural glossy colour, rather than the cheap lipstick look. Being honest though, I preferred how it looked before rather than what I have done with the lips now. The colours are correct now, but the way it was coloured doesn't look as nice as how it was before. Bah, overall I'd rather have the correct colours than have it 'look' nice but with the wrong colours.

So yeah, after all that work, this is what I have ended up with:

And that's what I've done on the picture so far. Although I've had this picture in the works for a little over a week now, I've probably spent a net total of about 4-5 hours on the actual drawing. I'm gonna spend a lot more time on it to get the rest of it coloured in too. Kinda looking forward to it, hahaha.

Oh, and I think you might know by now who the person in the pic is meant to be. If you do, then a cyber cookie for youu =DD



On Saturday (the day before my bros wedding) me, my mom, my aunty and my cousin (who's the same age as me) went to another wedding that was being held that weekend. So the wedding was a bit weird for certain reasons and things happened, but I won't get into that 'cos that's not the point of THIS story.

Anyway, after eating the food being served there, my cousin wanted to head to the back of the hall cos they had the cakes plated there on a few tables. She grabbed me by the arm and we kinda had to push our way through the crowds to finally get to the cakes. Honestly, some of the cakes looked kinda boring, so I didn't eat many of them, but one of the ones I did pick out tasted quite good. So, about half-way through making our rounds on the cake tables, my cousin spotted a friend of hers and skipped off to go talk to her, leaving me to stand awkwardly by myself, holding a plate of cakes my cousin collected for herself and watching as she talks happily to her friends. I didn't know what to do, just standing there, so I sighed and had a little look around the place.

Next thing you know, I'm just standing there going "What the hell!!" in my head. I think I almost dropped my plate when I noticed, but omgosh, who wouldn't? My cousin was just happily talking to her friends and not noticing what I was looking at, or even notice my reaction (if I even had a fairly noticable one at that).

Sitting behind my cousins friends, to the side of the hall along the wall, by herself was (I kid you not) someone that looked EXACTLY like the person I am in the process of drawing. Yup, she looked like Nocchi.. cept with glasses..


glasses are good though D=

Well, atleast SHE looked good in them..


Anyway, I was just standing there almost speechless(?) (possiblly starstruck? bahahah)
because she honestly looked EXACTLY like her. If she was put in a Nocchi look-alike contest, where even Nocchi herself was a contestant, I think she'd come first. Bahah, I mean EXACTLY exactly. Plus, she's my favourite member out of the three of them. So I was in shock. SHOCK!

She looked so lonely, sitting there by herself





I almost laughed at myself after that event, LOL!

It's so lame, hahah. I'm sucha dumbass xDD

Now... how would Nocchi look like with glasses on? hmmm...

- OverDose

++ Same Old, Same O l d

Well, today was pretty much an eventless day..

Not much happened, not much to say..

Hey! take a look at that! I rhymed, hahaha~!


Lessee, todays been pretty much an average day for me. Although Lately, I've found that my life is slowly turning into one of them dull, boring monotonous ones where all I ever do is work, sleep, eat and breathe. Nothing really exciting ey? I don't know, maybe I have to just endure this for a while. It's pretty much all I want to do right now anyway. I want to work my ass off during this long break before uni so I'd have a fair amount of money in my savings when uni does start. Well, that is to say that I DO get into uni in the first place.

Anyway, it was pretty much a regular day at work, nothing special. But gosh, I can't believe how boring it can get. Not saying that I'm not happy that I am working there in the first place, it's just that sometimes it gets so boring that I find it hard to concentrate on my job. "What IS your job?" you ask. Well, sit down kids, it's time for a little 101 class on the daily-life of Othman.

I work for this training organization (I'll leave the name undisclosed for privacy issues.. sorry folks D= ), and I pretty much do odd jobs here and there sometimes. Things that need to be done, like; filing, putting student info into the company database, putting training packs together, yadda-yadda. But mainly, I've been doing a lot of corporate designing for the place. You know, brochures, adverts, posters, logo designs, business cards and even websites. It's something that I actually quite enjoy to be honest.

The reason I actually got this job in the first place is because of my older bros that work(ed) here. Yup, the oldest bro, Y-niisan, used to work here as senior manager. He left for Japan, and his friend took over. And then he left for Sydney for family, so my other brother, I-niisan, took over for him. Because of that, I-niisan has given me this job just so then I can earn a little money and get some good work experience.

Lucky right? =D

So anywaiz, now I work here and I'm getting some really good experience for jobs that I might take up when I'm a little older. Plus, I'm also quite happy with the amount of money I'm saving up in the bank~ ;D

But yeah, even with that said.. work can get repetitive and really boring. Almost fell asleep on my desk. I JUST saved myself from slamming my forehead on the table hard just as I was about to doze of into nap-land. I guess I didn't have any reservations booked over at unconscious-ville yet.


So I guess that sums up what I did today..

Nothing exciting right?.. Well get this, I had 2 sticks of garlic chicken for lunch too!


Didn't help?.. bah, well build a bridge and get over it.

That's me xDD

- OverDose

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

++ So Much To Say, So Little T i m e

So, I guess this will be my first official 'blog-like' post, ey?

Haha, I should do something to commemorate it or something, bahahha.



Well, these past few days have been so busy for me. It's tired me out so badly. I don't remember the last time I've actually been THIS tired before. A little perspective here; I haven't had ANY proper sleep (maybe 1 or 2 hours a day of it is proper sleep) since Thursday. Okay, so here's the back-story:

My oldest brother, let's call him "Y-niisan"
, moved to Japan mid last year, about early April if I remember properly. He had a few reasons to move there; He was interested in Japan, he wanted work-experience to better his career path, he was getting tired of the everyday-grind of the city-life here. But I think the main reason for him to up-and-leave to Japan was because he had a Japanese girlfriend there. He had met her a year prior to leaving to Japan while re-taking Japanese classes in uni.

So anyway, he ended up working at some day-care-esque place, taking care of 5-year-olds or something for most of the time he was there. Pretty sucky work-experience if you ask me.


Hahah, still, I kept in contact with him every now and then through internet phone (Skype). Even visited him when I went to Japan this year (I'll talk about that in some later post, maybe) and he was keeping well.

After about a year later, Y-niisan was in the talks with my mother about getting married to his girlfriend. Hahah, shoulda seen it.. it was kinda scarey but amusing at the same time watching my mom argue with him over webcam. Very different to say the least, hahah. There were a few more troubles here-and-there aswell, but they made the plans and finally things began sailing smoothly for them.

Fast forward to last week Thursday. Me and my other older brother, let's call him I-niisan (btw I have two older brothers, Y-niisan being the oldest) have to go down to the airport, and guess what.. that's right.. to pick up Y-niisan and his now fiance. After more than a year and a half, he finally returns from his extended stay in Japan. Their flight arrived at 1 in the morning, so I didnt get ANY sleep that night.

After that, it was all so hectic. We'd already made all the plans and arrangements, but the wedding was on Sunday, just around the corner. To cut it short though, everything went excellently. It was a nice small reception, and nice pictures were taken. Maybe I'll put some up here later on if I can.

In the end, the reason why I haven't been getting much proper sleep lately is because of all the commotion involving Y-niisan. He's gonna be staying here until the 16th before heading back to Japan for some nice job's he found in Tokyo. Right now, he's about 8 hours down south, doing a little sightseeing with his wife. ;D

Well, thats most of the story these past few days.


Felt kinda good talking about the stuff that's been happening lately ;DD

Hahah, I can see me enjoying this whole 'blog' thing soon.

But I've still got a ways to go.

- OverDose

++ Blogging V i r g i n i t y


And here it comes, my first ever blog post.

Prepare for impact peoples, 'cos it's all about to blow.


I guess you can blame hours of boredom for this, but I've finally created me a blog. Keepin record of things? I don't know. It feels a little strange making a post like this, but maybe I'll get used to it soon. There's always a first for everything, so I might as well start from somewhere right?

Well first things first, lets open things up with a little introduction:

17 years.
26th Oct.
Well, let's see what I can name off the top of my head.
First of all, the arts. I love music, drawing and dancing the most. I enjoy photography and singing, but I'm not really good at both (yet ;D) I just have an interest in them.
For english music, I love my hip-hop and RnB. I always listen to some rap songs or some nice RnB tracks. Favourite artists (just to name a few) are acts such as; Usher, T.I., Robin Thicke, Ne-Yo, The Game, Ludacris..
For japanese music, I love anything that's catchy. My hands-down favourite artists have got to be the Perfume trio. I also listen to a bit of jrock and other jpop songs. Favourite artists are acts such as; Perfume, Younha, YUI, JUDY AND MARY, Yuki, Hirai Ken, 12012, The Gazette..
Basically things that are related to my interests. Makes sense right?
Drawing, listening to music, dancing to music.. you get the gist of it.
Nice, close and somewhat happy family, hahah. Mum, Dad and 2 older bros. The eldest being 31 years and the other is 24.
Haha, pet fish? They've grown huge now =o
Unfortunately I didn't eat any dinner tonight.. how unhealthy...

Anywaiz, it's getting a bit random now..

Hmm.. don't know what else to put in there. For now, I guess that pretty much sums up what I am about anyway. I'll leave this post as a little 'introduction post' or whatever it's called. I'll blog about stuff thats going on in my life in my next posts, when I have the time. Also, I guess I'll post more liberally and lightheartedly in my next posts. I feel a little 'blagh' writing this way.

It feels a little too formal D=

If you get what I mean..

I need more emotes, like;
..and other generic things like that. Make it feel more like me, me, ME.


heh -__-;

Well, I guess that's about all that I can blog (or think of blogging) right now. I guess I have pretty much reached the end of my first ever blog post.

So, I'm gonna be wasting away the next few days, weeks, months (however long it'll take) to look for and edit myself a nice layout for this blog. Blah, I know I'm gonna hate this because I'm such a fussy and picky person. Hopefully I'll be lucky and find one fast, and not need to edit much from it. Otherwise.. I know it's gonna take me a while, let's keep it at that, bahaha.


Time to get back to whatever I was doing before.

Oh, and also I'm just gonna mention Lamahh, since he forced me to D=

Don't kill me because of it Dx

- OverDose