Sunday, May 31, 2009

++ The World Is F I L L E D . . .


Why do we ask questions?
To learn, it is human nature.
Why do we pursue knowledge so eagerly?
To evolve and grow, it is human nature.

For what purpose?

Civilizations were able to exist in the past, why do we find it a necessesity to continually advance.
Is it not that in creation, we cause destruction?
This planet, this beautiful natural phenomenon we call earth, will be destroyed.
Ridden with human inventions.
Destroyed by human intervention.

We continue to evolve so that we continue to live.
So that we continue to exist,
at the expense of this planet.

But once again it is asked, for what purpose?

Are we so egotistical as a species that we do everything we can to continue to live
and then neglect the damage we do to other species, or even the planet?
But isn't it only natural for us to want to continue living?

That would mean that it is our existence that is destroying this world.
We continue to live, by which we continue to destroy.
So then, how is it possible to stop this from happening?
Is there a reason to exist?
An existence of destruction?

Is it an absolute necessity for our existance?
Then, why do we exist?

Meaningless thoughts.

For all the acclaimed values of intellectual openness, was it really worth it? Was the gain of sophistication worth the loss of what had formerly given structure and meaning to one's life? After all, anything could be questioned. Once set in motion, the process of questioning could come to but one end, the erosion of conviction and certitude and collapse into despair.
Donald Crosby

And I say to myself,
Life, the raison d'être.


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